Things happens and they make us question ourselves. Somebody says sth. mean at the playground. And u doubt urself over and over again. What if we don’t let that moments get to us, what if we never lose the little girl confidence, we have the strength and wisdom to tell that world that I’m better than all that. 这样勇敢自信快乐下去吧
4.5/5 私心占比很大吧 很久很久没有为一个纯粹的love story动容了个人平时对这个类型并无多少兴趣但这部电影仿佛带着我们一起回到了那个一切都可以很慢的年代——一辆开好多天的旧列车几瓶别人家的酒一根分着抽的香烟… Borisov真的so charming…从开始表面的粗鲁大男子主义到后面不经意间流露的cute,shy,devoted不仅让女主渐渐喜欢上他更是让观众为之沦陷 坐了几乎穿越一整个国家的列车在狂风暴雪中步行在冰面上我们和主角们一起走了这么远魅力四射电影就是为了看看那岩画但事实上重要的不止岩画更是那让时间停滞的感觉你几乎可以在空气中触碰到实质;是在这之后仿佛前方又有了光一切都不再那么遥远;是all we see is sky for,forever.