本来并不是很了解看过后最impressed的是她和异见合作的态度丝毫不削弱她对女性地位的深切同情心和为此工作的坚定动力最初的大法官组成里她是比较靠中间、起到赢得右翼的作用如今大法官组成右倾太多她移到liberal wing她是真切的内向者力量"never in anger, always as an opportunity to teach."另外当然看这个纪录片为女性地位争取不易而掉了眼泪即使是六七十年代很多人也是碰了钉子才发现男女地位不平等比原先想的严重很多仿佛我们本来完全没想过这么荒唐的状况还存在着而女性地位一有提高我们就take for granted希望现在全世界的倒退也是刺激我们一下平权斗争要持续下去以及记住RBG这样已经斗争了大半辈子的人吧
How could this be that lie could make the world a better place? It’s maddening. And that’s how I feel about this president. I feel like this motherfucker might be the lie that saves us all. 哈哈哈And if that woman that said that heinous lie was alive today, I would thank her for lying. And then I would kick her in the pussy. 哈哈哈哈